Solenis provides solutions that drive value for customers in water-intensive industries. It’s more than our priority — it’s our passion.
Value delivered in FY2023
Goal:Drive value for our customers
<p>Our ValueAdvantage<sup>SM</sup> program enables Solenis to quantify the carbon “handprint” of projects conducted with our customers through implementation of our solutions. </p> <p>On projects large and small, Solenis remains steadfastly focused on a single priority — delivering quality long-term customer outcomes. We accomplish this in a number of ways, involving both Solenis products and people, but much of the value we create for customers is driven by our ability to help them reach their sustainability goals, such as reduced water and energy usage, decreased greenhouse gas emissions, or optimized raw material utilization.</p> <p>We do more than simply talk about value delivery, we have developed a structured value delivery program to identify, document and measure the value we contribute to our customers’ businesses with our chemistry, support, service and expertise. We call this the Solenis ValueAdvantage program, and it allows our commercial team to track, record and describe projects that have impact on the customers they serve. To highlight these sustainability success stories, Solenis established our <a href="/link/60c0692633f24147bc11075214a72daa.aspx">Sustainability Award</a>, a structured program to recognize projects in which our teams have partnered with customers to help them meet their own sustainability goals.</p> <p>The ValueAdvantage program increases the accountability of Solenis as an organization — to make sure we’re actually delivering the value we promise — but it also serves as a useful tool to identify initiatives that should be considered as great sustainability successes and to help our customers discover even more opportunities to reduce their environmental footprint.</p>
Value delivered in FY2023
Solenis helped a North American papermaker convert to a neat dye system, eliminating over-sizing issues and leading to steam and energy savings.
Solenis introduced an online cleaning program at a geothermal power plant in western Asia, reducing quarterly downtime and reducing energy consumption.
Solenis worked with a North American chemical manufacturer to make critical cooling system upgrades, increasing from three to eight cycles of concentration.
Solenis recommended the use of advanced flocculants to reduce chemical and water use at a South American biorefining facility.
Solenis recommended that a European pulp and paper manufacturer move to bulk shipments to reduce its carbon footprint.
Solenis worked with a European papermaker to replace replace palm oil with silicon as a deinker, improving yield while reducing chemical shipments.
Using a Solenis dry strength program a paper packaging operation reduced fiber utilization resulting in reduced GHG emissions and a cost savings of $1.4 million USD / year.
A food ingredient manufacturer reduced energy use by optimizing boiler water condensate program.
Solenis’ HTH shock avoids the need to drain and replace water to remove cyanuric acid build-up in residential swimming pools.
Goal:Drive a culture of risk recognition and behavioral risk control
<p>Solenis works diligently to promote a strong safety culture, both at our own sites and at customer sites. In fact, our strong safety record is a key reason why customers choose Solenis over competitors. They know that our commitment to safety translates into fewer at-risk behaviors and lower accident rates.</p> <p>Safety inspections/assessments on equipment and the associated work environment are performed by account representatives, Corporate Safety specialist and Solenis technical advisors. These inspections enable Solenis to better protect employees who are visiting a customer site. It also helps protect the customer’s employees and others at the site who are working at or near Solenis products and equipment. The areas typically assessed during a safety inspection include:</p> <ul> <li>Availability of Safety Data Sheets and date of last update</li> <li>Proper labeling of product feed lines and equipment</li> <li>Reliability of storage tanks</li> <li>Integrity of chemical transfer pumps and equipment</li> <li>Status of general housekeeping</li> <li>Availability of first aid and personal protective equipment</li> <li>Status of bulk unloading stations.</li> </ul> <p>After performing a safety inspection, a formal report is created documenting findings and recommendations for improvement to meet regulatory requirements as well as Solenis best practices. Our team members then collaborate with customers to make necessary improvements to Solenis feed systems as well as the work environment. These recommended corrections are tracked to completion.</p> <p>Performing regular safety inspections is critical to maintain safe working environments and to keeping sites productive.</p>
Total revenue growth from NTW products and processes
Goal:15% of all revenue being NTW by 2025
<p>Solenis has committed to a Sustainable Innovation Platform that is helping us drive measurable change for our customers. Our innovations are focused on helping our customers in their sustainability journeys by reducing the consumption of water, energy and other resources in their processes. We are recognized globally for our legacy of technology innovation. We invest in developing new chemistries to improve customers’ products and processes, as well as developing technical solutions that enhance monitoring and optimizing the feeding of our specialty chemicals. A mission critical element of this work is our commitment to help our customers reduce their carbon footprint through our innovative solutions. </p> <p>Our process for R&D is three-pronged. First, we rely on input from our customers regarding the use of our current products, and what improvements can be made. This comes via our sales forces and technical service teams and is ultimately curated in an ideation platform that exists within In addition, new product concepts are continuously generated, refreshed and prioritized via continuous meetings with an array of customers employing in part a formal New Product Blueprinting process. Secondly, we utilize an “open innovation” concept whereby we tap into a variety of external partners and consortia. Solenis continuously seeks out and actively collaborates with industry and university partners on joint, open innovation programs. Thirdly, we encourage our scientists to bring forth new and unique ideas to the forefront. The intent is to support the industries we serve to discover new and innovative approaches that are sustainable and efficient. Utilizing all three of these inputs, new product development is managed with a rigorous stage-gate innovation process that incorporates project checkpoints and cross-functional alignment from ideation to commercialization. Our stage-gate approach is underpinned by a consistent product design criteria that ensures all innovations measure the impact of product safety, resource efficiency and carbon footprint. <u><a href="/link/42fab1e7e3f94d2fa3a34d15b43dc01d.aspx?">Learn more about our Research & Development team</a></u><u><a href="">.</a></u></p> <p>The goal of this new product development effort is to consistently generate one-fourth of the company’s revenues from products that are less than five years old. In addition, we have a deep understanding and commitment to delivering products that meet the stringent regulatory needs of customers globally. Our R&D teams work hand in hand with our product regulatory teams to provide best in class <a href="/link/962dbbf018b34f18ad2b8854c35015de.aspx"><u>product stewardship</u></a>.</p>
Total revenue growth from NTW products and processes